Interviewing Tips

Posted on by admin | in Background Check


Interviewing applicants for employment purposes requires skill and expertise. Skilled interviewers not only ask the right questions but also observe and analyze
the applicant’s body language during the interview. Since interviewing is a skill that is learned and revised over the years, most families do not have the time,
training or luxury that some HR personnel have. In fact, most family members report limited experience with the process. Below are some basic tips for the interviewer

  1. Be prepared. Know what you want to ask and how to ask. Have a pre-planned questionnaire with you.
  2. Setting: Make sure this is an area where you won’t be interrupted by children, phones, faxes or other intrusions that will divert your attention from the interview.
  3. Content: Know which questions you want to ask. Taking care of children requires a great commitment.
    Every family is different with their childcare needs. Tailor your questions to the needs of your family.
  4. Ask open-ended questions. If your question is a Yes or No answer it is not an open-ended question. Open-ended questions allow the applicant to do most of the talking.
    From this technique you will obtain valuable information.
  5. Remain open-minded and unbiased. Do not let your personal biases get in the way of the interview.
  6. Base your hiring decisions on qualifications. Novice interviewers are often swayed by physical appearance or stereotypes.
  7. Develop rapport with the individual. You are more likely to learn more about the applicant if they are comfortable talking with you. You want the applicant to communicate with you as much as possible.
    A nanny that can effectively communicate on the daily activities and progress of your children is critical.
  8. Conduct the interview in-person. A telephone interview may be appropriate in the initial search but it really cannot give you an accurate assessment.
  9. Observe the applicant’s body language. Make sure their nonverbal communication is consistent with their spoken word. Experts believe most people create a
    barrier between themselves and the interviewer and may lose eye contact, cross their arms or cover their mouth/eyes when they are being deceptive.
    When observing body language, you must also be aware that not one single behavior is indicative of truth or deception. There are also cultural
    differences that may be interpreted incorrectly.

    Calm/Relaxed Tense (Beyond the normal interview)
    Sincere Overly Friendly
    Hands/Arms Relaxed Excessive Tension, Arms Crossed
    Legs flat on floor or crossed legs/ankles Taps foot, feet not planted, creates barrier
    40-60% eye Contact Rapid eye movement, excessive loss of contact


  10. Conduct your reference inquiries after the interview. Use the information you have developed and ask the appropriate probing questions or provide this
    information to your screening company.



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