70 Interesting Childcare Employment & Safety Statistics
When it comes to children and childcare, there’s a lot of information available to parents and caregivers. The problem lies in separating fact from fiction, especially in terms of the safety and well-being of children. The following are 70 statistics relating to the childcare industry.
10 Job Statistics on Childcare and Nanny Fields
If you’re interested in working in the childcare industry, utilizing childcare or are just curious about the job statistics of the field, look no further.
- In 2008, almost 78% of wage and salary jobs were those of preschool teachers, teacher’s assistants, and childcare workers.
- Higher education is not necessary for working with children: about 44% of childcare workers had a high school diploma or less in 2008.
- There is a high turnover in child-related fields, usually due to dissatisfaction with pay and benefits.
- Not all childcare fields are full-time: 29% of childcare employees only worked part-time in 2008.
- Rural areas are less likely to have formal daycare centers, usually because there aren’t enough children within a specific radius. However, in these areas it may be easier to find a private caregiver.
- Occupations within the childcare industry can be divided up into three categories: professional, managerial/financial, and service. Those who work in the managerial sector can expect to make the most, while those who work in the service category will make the least. The service category includes those who work in formal settings as well as private settings. Nannies tend to be the highest paid childcare workers.
- Every state is different in regards to regulations of daycare centers and services; however, most states require licensure and minimal training within formal centers. Check with your state’s attorney general’s office for information on childcare laws. Private caregivers are not regulated in most states.
- As of 2008, administrators in the child care industry earned an average of $37,270; child care workers earned an average of $17,440; all others within the industry earned between $18,970 and $31,210.
- You do not have to be an adult to acquire a job in a formal childcare setting. Many states hire teenagers between 14 and 16 as assistants, and teachers may be as young as 18.
- Not everyone who works in a childcare setting is directly responsible for children. About 7.3% of employees in day care services work in food service, building maintenance and janitorial services, or administrative support.
10 Facts About the Most Prevalent Forms of Childcare
Now that you have some basic facts, it’s time to learn more about the most common types of childcare and the children enrolled in them.
- Children may be enrolled in center based care, home daycares or may have a childcare provider come to their home to provide care.
- In 2005-2006, 57% of four-year-olds were primarily cared for in center-based programs, while only 20% were cared for primarily by parents.
- White and Asian families were more likely to place their children in center-based care in 2005 than other ethnicities.
- Hispanic families were the least likely to leave their children in the care of a non-parent in 2005.
- In 2005, infants under the age of 1 spent the most hours per week (30.9) in the care of a non-parent.
- As a child ages from infancy to five years, the likelihood that they are cared for only by their parents drops from 57.7% to 21.1%
- In terms of non-parental care, the highest percentages of children (27.3%) are cared for in center-based programs not related to Head Start.
- Surprisingly, a higher percentage of children are watched in a center-based setting (32.4%) than by relatives (15.4%).
- Only about 1.7% of families utilized multiple childcare arrangements in 2005; about 2.3% enlisted the service of a sitter within the home.
- Male children are slightly more likely to be left in the care of a non-parent than female children.
10 Interesting Statistics About the Well-Being of Children
The well-being of a child relates to how a child is developing physically and emotionally, as well as his or her quality of life. There are many factors that can influence the well-being of a child.
- American children’s quality of life began declining in 2009 after a fluctuation period since 2002.
- The percentage of children in America living below the poverty line was approximately 21% in 2010.
- In 2010, 26% of children lived in households where neither parent had secure, full-time employment.
- 17.7% of children lived in food-insecure households in 2010. In other words, 17.7% of children may not have had regular access to food, or at least not safe, nutritious food.
- There were approximately 500,000 homeless children in 2010.
- Overall child health continues to decline due to obesity, mainly caused by parents relying on cheap, high-calorie foods.
- Due to the recession, budget cuts have affected essential programs for children, such as subsidized meals and after-school programs.
- Although health insurance levels among children have remained relatively stable (~90%), more families are relying on public health insurance programs to meet their needs.
- 2009 future data projects increases in youth alcohol abuse, tobacco use, and criminal activity. All risky behavior increases are believed to be indirectly caused by emotional depression due to the recession.
- Unemployment rates for teens aged 16-19 peaked in 2009, especially among minorities. These rates likely contribute to criminal activity.
10 Ways Children’s Well-Being Varies by State
Now that you understand child well-being, you may be interested to learn that where a child lives has a great deal of impact on his or her well-being. Statistics listed are for the years 2005-2008.
- Overall, children in southern states are more likely to have a low index of well-being compared to children in northern states.
- Children born in Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Wyoming, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Delaware, Georgia, and Maryland are 70% more likely to die before their first birthdays than children born in Montana, Vermont, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Iowa, California, Utah, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Oregon, or Washington.
- A child born in South Dakota is three and a half times more likely to die by age 14 than a child born in Rhode Island.
- The state with the lowest teen birth rate is New Hampshire (18 per 1,000). The state with the highest teen birth rate is Texas (63 per 1,000). These numbers only take into account teen mothers aged 15-19.
- 8.3% of women in New Mexico receive little to no prenatal care compared to 1.5% of women in Rhode Island.
- 30% of children in Mississippi live in poverty compared to 10% in Maryland and New Hampshire.
- 21.2% of children in Texas are uninsured compared with 4.2% in Rhode Island.
- Wyoming has the highest rate of juvenile incarceration at 606.1 per 100,000. Vermont has the lowest rate at 72.4 per 100,000.
- In 2005 in Oklahoma, 4.8 of every 100,000 children died due to child abuse. There were no reported fatalities in the states of Delaware, Idaho, North Dakota, or Vermont.
- Child welfare expenditures play a crucial role in programs aimed at preventing or treating child abuse. South Carolina has the lowest per capita expenditure at $14.74. Rhode Island has the highest expenditure per capita, $180.32.
10 Facts to Know About Daycare Safety
By now, you have a very good idea of the components that drive the well-being of children. Since the safety of children is an important part of their well-being, you should know all you can about safety in a childcare setting.
- Although most states required daycares to be licensed, many daycares operate without the proper licenses.
- Anyone who is employed in a childcare setting should be certified in pediatric first aid and CPR. If you are not sure of the employees’ credentials, ask.
- In 1997, around 31,000 four years old or younger visited emergency rooms due to injuries sustained in a daycare setting. At least 56 children have died since 1990 due to daycare injuries.
- The American Public Health Association, in conjunction with the American Pediatric Association, established a set of guidelines in 1992 regarding out-of-home childcare. Among these is the requirement that caregivers be trained in CPR if they are employed at any facility with a swimming or wading pool.
- Choking is a life-threatening situation. Caregivers within a daycare setting should be knowledgeable of the Heimlich maneuver.
- If you are searching for an adequate daycare center, be sure to inquire about staff training and safety measures implemented within the center itself. Waiting for an EMT to arrive after an accident can increase the likelihood of serious complications due to sustained injuries.
- Almost 85% of injuries sustained in a daycare setting can be adequately treated with first aid.
- When inquiring about training among daycare staff members, be sure they understand the difference between adult and pediatric CPR. Children require a different ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths than adults.
- If caregivers are not properly trained in CPR or first aid, ask if there is a full-time nurse on staff. If not, leave and find another center.
- Safety of children in the daycare setting begins with the parents. Be sure to let caregivers know of problems such as asthma, food allergies, and physical limitations. Make sure these are documented with the administrator of the facility.
10 Most Common Charges Filed Against and Crime Statistics for Nannies
If you opt to leave your children in the care of a nanny, you have the comfort of knowing that your nanny has been hired and hand selected by you to provide attentive, personalized and customized childcare. Unlike in a daycare setting when a caregiver has a classroom of children who require her attention, a nanny is only concerned about the care of your children.
- Nannies and babysitters account for about 4% of crimes against children. Parents account for a higher statistic.
- When it comes to children, sex crimes outnumber physical assaults almost 2 to 1.
- Physical assaults are most common among children ages 1-3, while sexual assaults are most common among children ages 3-5.
- 77% of nanny sex crimes are committed by males, while physical assaults are usually committed by female nannies (64%).
- Younger nannies or babysitters are more likely to commit sex crimes and less likely to physically abuse children. Approximately 48% of sex crimes by a caregiver are committed by a juvenile.
- Forcible fondling is the most common crime committed by caregivers, accounting for about 43% of nanny crimes.
- Forcible sodomy and forcible rape account for 11% and 8% of caregiver crimes, respectively.
- Simple assault is the next most common caregiver crime at 26%.
- Kidnapping and homicide account for the least common caregiver crimes at approximately 1% for either crime.
- Physical assaults are most common by nannies and caregivers between the ages of 25 and 34.
10 Statistics on Number of Annual Crimes Where Kids are Victims
The sad fact is that adults take out their frustration and anger on children. It’s not limited to caregivers or older siblings; anyone experiencing unaddressed anger can make a child a victim.
- 75% of child victims are female.
- The majority of crimes committed against children are committed by someone familiar to the child.
- 33% of child crimes are committed by one of the child’s parents.
- 18% of child victims were maltreated by both the mother and father.
- Four out of ten child victims of violent crime also suffer rape or other sexual assault.
- In 2009, 10.1 victims per 1,000 children were repeat victims of violence or abuse.
- 11.1% of children abused in 2009 suffered some sort of disability.
- In 2009, 7.6% of abuse cases involved psychological abuse, while 9.5% involved sexual abuse.
- In 2009, physical abuse against a child was the most common type of child crime reported (17.8%).
- An estimated 1,770 children die each year from child abuse and neglect.
The safety and well-being of children should be the most important part of life to any parent. Proper care, diet, and education are essential to your child’s development. It’s important to thoroughly investigate anyone who will be spending a large portion of time with your child. Threats to child safety and well-being are very real; however, parents who are armed with proper knowledge can minimize the risk to their child’s mental and physical health.
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