10 Safety Considerations for Childcare Providers
April 14, 2012 | in Background Check
For parents, there is nothing more important than their child’s safety and well-being. Part of choosing a childcare provider is being sure that the candidate is well-versed in safety protocol. These ten items should be of the utmost importance for childcare providers when honing their skills.
- First Aid Training – Scrapes, bumps and bruises are all par for the course when it comes to caring for kids; it’s essential that a childcare provider have the know-how and capability to handle both minor first aid situation and maintain major ones until professional help arrives.
- CPR Training – Choking is relatively common, especially for smaller children who inquisitively put objects into their mouths and inadvertently swallow them. Knowing the life-saving measures necessary in the event of a charge becoming choked on objects or food.
- Food/Medication Allergy Knowledge – Many children have food and medication allergies, some of which are as-yet undiscovered. In addition to having a list of the known allergens for each charge, providers should also have a working knowledge of how to handle and allergic reaction to an unknown substance, should one occur.
- Attentiveness – Childcare providers with short attention spans or trouble maintaining interest in children at play should seriously consider another career field. Children can get into trouble in the blink of an eye; one of the most important preventative measures a childcare provider can take is simply paying attention.
- Risk Assessment Skills – Being able to quickly and accurately assess risk is another invaluable skill for nannies, babysitters and daycare workers. Being able to tell the difference between risky behavior and safe is the key to preventing both injury and unnecessary worry.
- Baby-Proofing Knowledge – Childcare providers that work in their charges’ homes, such as nannies and babysitters, should have a strong understanding of baby-proofing and injury prevention. For those that watch children in their own home, ensuring that the environment is safe for little ones is doubly important; in addition to the risk of injury, there’s also the risk of a lawsuit.
- Fire Safety Plan – Regardless of where a childcare provider reports to work, it is absolutely necessary to have a clear plan in place in the event of a fire. This plan should include several evacuation routes and a confident knowledge of how to work a fire extinguisher.
- Emergency/Disaster Preparedness – In the event of a natural weather disaster or other emergency, childcare providers should have access to emergency contact information for each child in their care, an emergency kit containing essential items and a plan of action.
- Safe Food Handling Skills – While food poisoning is usually only very unpleasant for adults, in can be quite dangerous for little ones. Knowing how to safely handle and prepare food is one of the most important things a childcare provider can learn.
- Lifting Techniques and Body Mechanics – Because the safety of the childcare provider is important too, they should have a strong knowledge of body mechanics and safe lifting techniques for heavy toddlers.
Because word of mouth and references are among the most valuable promotional tools in a childcare provider’s arsenal, maintaining strict standards of safety and cleanliness are two of the keys to continued success in the childcare industry.
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