10 Questions to Ask a Prospective Nanny
October 10, 2011 | in Background Check
If you are in the process of hiring a nanny, you already realize that you won’t get all your questions into a single interview, and that’s alright. Most hires take at least two interviews before enough questions have been asked and answered by both parties to make good decisions. Here are several issues that usually come up, and these are mainly items to be settled before any agreement is reached.
- Experience – How much experience a nanny has had is important, because it will affect how she views her job, helps to establish a rate of pay, and can let the employer know if the nanny will stay for awhile, or if the whole scene has to be repeated in a short time.
- Availability – It is fair to ask a prospective nanny about why she is looking for a new position, and the circumstances involved with her becoming available for a new position.
- Kids – You can ask an applicant what it is children most like about her, but you might also want to know what it is she thinks that children most respect about her.
- Different Jobs – If you expect your nanny to perform other services than basic child care you should ask how she feels about any of the additional responsibilities.
- Background Check – The background check may be best handled by an outside agency, but it’s alright to ask a prospective employee beforehand if they have any problems with what might turn up.
- Emergency – How would your nanny respond in an emergency? Ask if she has ever had to deal with a crisis, and what transpired.
- Gaps in Resume – If there are big gaps in someone’s employment record, it is fair to ask about that time. Your nanny may have a penchant for travel or may have lived on savings. It gives an employer a hint at what he might expect about the longevity of his hire.
- Driving Record – Your nanny will be driving your children, and probably in your car, so you need to know about the person you are putting behind the wheel. You really don’t want a nanny who confuses herself with Danica Patrick.
- Favorite Activities – If you know what your nanny likes to do, it is a good indicator of the types of activities she’d like to incorporate into the daily lives of your children.
- Priorities – At some point in the interview, it would help to find out what your prospective nanny thinks are the most important aspects of the job. This will be a good indicator of how she will approach the position.
Neither the prospective nanny nor the prospective employer should shy away from asking a lot of questions. An ounce of prevention. . .
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