10 Companies that Perform the Most Background Checks
April 24, 2012 | in Background Check
Though many companies perform background checks in today’s world, some conduct far more investigations that others. Here are ten of the industries that fuel the billion dollar background check industry.
- Private Investigators – Though they still conduct hands-on investigations, many private investigators today specialize in background checks. A crafty criminal can take steps to conceal their checkered past, but private investigations can still return the pertinent information.
- Gun Vendors – Because of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, gun vendors are required to run thorough background checks on all customers purchasing a firearm. Because firearm sales have risen dramatically in recent years, these vendors account for a vast number of the background checks run each day.
- Hospitals – Access to powerful drugs and sensitive information make it absolutely imperative that all employees are carefully investigated prior to their first day of work. Because the healthcare sector is one of the fastest-growing areas of employment, the number of background checks generated by hospitals is astounding.
- Financial Institutions – Despite the controversy surrounding financial institutions and workers within that industry, they’re still the source of a staggering number of background checks for new employees.
- Childcare Companies and Agencies – Childcare is one of the strongest industries in the United States, especially as the economy suffers and forces more families to become two-working-parent households. Trusting strangers with our children is difficult enough; doing so without insisting upon an investigation of the worker’s history would be unthinkable.
- Home Healthcare Companies – Due to the vulnerable state that most patients who rely on home healthcare are in, workers who care for them are required to submit to background checks designed to protect those patients. The booming industry generates a considerable percentage of background investigations each year.
- Domestic Service Agencies – Agencies that supply busy families with domestic workers such as household managers and nannies carefully screen each candidate before adding them to their labor pool.
- Transportation and Trucking Companies – As the trucking industry booms and the demand for drivers skyrockets, companies are submitting a record number of background check requests in order to insure against drivers with moving violations or a history of substance abuse.
- Casinos and Gaming Corporations – Both state gaming commissions and the casino parent companies insist on exhaustive background checks for casino workers that will be handling large sums of cash. Despite the struggling economy, the gaming industry is still a source of many new job openings, and thousands of background checks.
- Temp Agencies – Because temporary workers rarely have time to establish trust in a position before moving on to a new place of employment, the agencies that handle them run background investigations as part of the hiring process. In today’s struggling economy, many workers have turned to the temp pool in hopes of securing work; as a result, the number of background checks run by these agencies is spiking.
These are only a few of the companies that rely on background investigations to make important hiring choices. In today’s security-fixated world, many require consumer and criminal reports before employing new workers.
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