10 Common Internet Scams Pulled on Nannies
April 24, 2012 | in Background Check
When you think about Internet scams you may think that the scammers only target old people. Those people that aren’t very tech savvy. Unfortunately you would be wrong because scammers will target a specific audience when they can. Stay alert while on the Internet, there are a lot of great opportunities out there, but there are also a lot of people trying to make money any way they can. Check out ten common Internet scams pulled on nannies.
- Pay to sign up for a service: They will lure you in by promising to find you the ideal family to nanny for. They will talk about their great reputation and that if you sign with them you will make more money than you ever thought you could. All it takes is $200 to sign on with their service and they will find you the perfect job. Except that they take your money and give you nothing in return.
- $2000 a week with a 5 hour work day: This one is going around and it will say that this family needs you right away so there’s no time to interview with them. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. They will ask for your name, address, social security number and birthdate to fill out the paperwork for you. Once you give them that information they can steal your identity and maybe your money.
- Pretending to be the child you have cared for: Scammers somehow get the information that you were a nanny for this particular family and there’s an older child in the family. They pretend to be this older child and they are stranded in Mexico and need you to wire them money to get home. They called you because their parents would kill them and they knew you would help them out. The phone line is not very clear so you can’t really recognize the voice. Keep asking them questions and they will give up eventually.
- Nanny on a cruise ship: No one hires a nanny on vacation. Don’t fall for this old trick. It is just another scam to steal your money.
- Unbelievable salaries or work conditions: No, you will not get hired for a $3000 a week, 4 hour a day job without an interview or background check. No, you will not be an nanny to the stars (most likely). Don’t fall for this.
- Mother died in a tragic car/plane/boat accident: There is such a thing as tragedy. Just don’t let someone else’s tragedy make you stupid. Yes, it is sad, but no, I will not take the job sight unseen.
- Asking you to open a bank account: Especially with Wells Fargo or Bank of America. No one has to do that. There is no LEGAL reason to. Run.
- Needs a favor: Please forward money someplace for medical care/moving /burial via Western Union. Um, no! They have friends for that. They do not need a nanny, they need a brother. Just say no.
- Overpayment for services: The ‘family’ will have an emergency and need the ‘money’ back before your bank tells you the check was faked. Now you are broke and someone else is laughing. Like I said, there is no such thing as free money.
- Any references to Africa: Nigerian scams? Heard of them? Yeah, you have. They’ve been around as long as the internet has. Don’t fall for them.
No matter what you are doing online, you need to be on the watch for scammers. They will try anything to get your money and private information. Be careful, be wise, and only give out money and information to those you know and trust.
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